K-LOVE’s Positive People – by Rafael Sierra, Jr. (complete podcast available) (more Positive People stories)
A Skagit County, Washington, Sheriff’s detective has a heart to change the way some policing is done. Detective Anne Weed got together with mental health professionals to try change the way they respond to certain 9-1-1 calls… to prevent a situation from escalating.
With the blessing of the sheriff's office and help from Marla Johns from Compass Health they formed the IMPACT program, partnering deputies with mental health professionals when answering distress calls.
“Our goal is not to arrest people,” says Detective Weed, “The goal is to help people get into the correct field that they need in, to get the help that they need.” Detective Weed believes the program not only helps out people in our community, but it helps law enforcement officers as well.
Marla Johns from Compass Health says IMPACT goes beyond assisting individuals in crisis. “The relief that comes over that family's face and just knowing that, okay, were making the next step, we’re going to get somewhere. It’s a pretty amazing feeling.” She says that in her 25 years of work, IMPACT is the most important thing she’s done, by far.
Their goal is to offer hope - and help the person out of a crisis.
Click the link to hear our full interview.